Tuesday, October 7, 2008

2nd Presidential Debate Leans Obama

I was looking forward to the debate today because of the promise that the questions would come from the people. Apparently, 6 million questions were submitted so it was surprising that the chosen questions were quite similar to those of the first debate especially when it came to foreign policy. It sounded like the whole foreign policy section of the first debate with the same answers, almost word for word. The domestic questions were a little more personal but here again I was expecting a debate centering more on the current economic crisis.

Just like the first debate, Obama's answers were well articulated and he even explained McCain's health care policy and tax policy a little better than McCain did; McCain simply did not present enough detail of his plans. Americans are really looking for detail on how problems will be fixed going forward in light of the 2009 budget deficit of $500,000,000,000 and $1,500,000,000,000 pricetag for the 2008 bailouts thus far if you tally what the Federal Reserve, Treasury, and Congress have committed so far.

We are in serious trouble financially. Obama has some concrete ideas; McCain's plan is "trust me, I'll fix it." Either way there is plenty of spending on both sides and cutting current spending to allow for new spending effectively leaves us with the same deficits. I do worry that a democratic administration will spend more on entitlements but I worry more about where a continuation of the Republican economic ideology will take us. All we have to do is look around.

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