Friday, May 23, 2008

Suffolk County Police Overpaid?

Steve Levy, Suffolk County Executive, published an editorial in The Smithtown News on May 8, 2008 in response to the Suffolk County Police union (PBA) propaganda that the County was placing the public in jeopardy by understaffing the police department. In this letter he put in the specifics of what Suffolk County police officers earn.

“It costs the county an average of $144,000 in wages and benefits (not including overtime and up to 12 percent in night differential pay) to place a single police officer on the street.

Police Officers get up to 89 paid days off a year, including five personal days, 26 sick days, up to 30 vacation days and 28 chart days. These paid days off do not include the 13 holidays.

The law enforcement contracts allow some individuals to collect up to $300,000 in unused sick, vacation days and other paid time upon their retirement.”

These numbers are outrageous. I know police officers have a tough job but these are suburban police officers, they are not working in a major city. Levy states that the PBA union has been getting its way in negotiations for decades and that these generous contracts have “made us one of the highest taxed regions in the nation. It is my intent to put a stop to these [contract] giveaways that have been crippling our local economy and forcing so many of our families off of Long Island.”

The PBA has run amok with its demands and claims. I certainly do not feel like the police department is understaffed. Everywhere I go I see plenty of Suffolk County police vehicles. Every time I pass a traffic accident these days, there are at least six to eight police cars responding and blocking the road. We cannot let unions like the police, teachers’ and others continue to gouge the public purse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Has any one compared the salaries of NYPD to Suffolk police, the courages police in NYC are paid half of a mere patrolman in Suffolk. My two lifelong friends, one a retired NYC gold shield detective gets half of what my other friend, a retired suffolk cty patrolman receives. Why? because the cty gave the PBA anything they wanted for the PBA support. We should support Steve Levy for his fight to get some pay parity.