Monday, July 28, 2008

The Government Has Gone Mad: Blames Record Deficit on Own Failed Policies

The 2009 Budget Deficit is $482 billion, that is nearly ½ trillion dollars. The White House blames it on the faltering economy and the stimulus package.

They are blaming the stimulus package? The very package that was enacted to help boost the economy in the first place.

They are blaming the faltering economy? The mechanisms of its demise were accepted and presided over by this administration.

Then they tell us the deficit is not so bad because it is only 3.3% of GDP compared to the 2004 deficit which was 3.6% of GDP.

This is the rationale that we are given when this Administration inherited a $128 billion surplus in 2001. This is unacceptable. How can we sit by and actually accept this rationale. This is another ½ trillion that we have to BORROW!!! This will push the national deficit to over $10 trillion dollars. We have a bankrupt government propping up Wall Street. Congress just passed a bill that puts us on the hook for billions more to help stem the mortgage crisis and rescue Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. We citizens should be rioting in the streets. I cannot write anymore, I have a headache from the veins popping in my brain as I absorb the unbelievable madness that is now the US government.

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