Friday, July 18, 2008


...And not a moment to soon. Today I put the news to rest and focused on the incoming family ready to have some good old fashioned Long Island fun. It was a long day of preparations; somehow the house is never ready for guests. They arrived to home-made sangria and a delicious meal featuring fresh vegetables, seafood, whole grain pasta and whole grain bread. Thankfully, most of my family eats well and are conscious of avoiding high fructose corn syrup, packaged foods, white flour based products and fast food.

I am always happy to see my mom and siblings. My mom is happy to enjoy the time with her grandchildren as much as they do with each other. We stay up too late and wake up too early but we always have the energy to roll out to the beach. That is the one of the true beauties of living in Suffolk County, the vacation makes itself, you only have to show up.

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