Monday, April 6, 2009

Instant Gratification Nation

I am looking forward to some nicer spring weather to lift us northeasterners out of our doldrums. Sometimes a little sun can move us beyond the negative news of the day; the constant clamor of the economic times and the distrust of the current solutions that is now reaching fever pitch. We are all armchair economists trying to parse what historical principles are the most fitting in a time where no precedent exists and who is to blame for what went wrong.

Whatever the case or blame, the enormous debt that the country amassed has fueled an unsustainable economic expansion that simply has to shrink. The problem is neither we nor the government can decide who should survive and who should not. The government has made its choices for now; notably the financial industry and its insurance lifelines but we are not addressing the true fact of our 70% based consumer economy; only spending can get it back on track. Period. Until this aspect is addressed, no amount of posturing or investor confidence or stock market rally or whatever can get the ball rolling again.

Impatience with the new status quo just gets the collective blood boiling; in this country of short attention spans and complete dependence on instant gratification - we remain in denial about our disease and the cure. We don't need any more debt fueled medicine, we have cancer and we need surgery. So come on sunny spring, we need something to smile about.

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