Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Can Long Island ever embrace change?

I just finished listening to Barack Obama’s speech tonight after clinching the Democratic nomination and it was inspiring. Whether you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent, it would have been impossible not to be moved by the spirit of hope that permeated the speech. I started to think how it would be to frame the speech positively for Long Island...

I have a dream that one day our property taxes on Long Island will decrease, not increase, because the long-standing provincialism and NIMBYism will be set aside allowing people to work together to consolidate services so there will not be 127 school districts, 340 special districts and a myriad of segregated towns and villages. I have a dream that one day our talented and well-educated youth will be able to afford to live and retire on Long Island instead of seeking refuge in another geographic region. I have a dream that we will work together to ensure that all 2.8 million people benefit from the wealth of the region and not just the privileged, well-connected few…

America definitely needs change. May the candidate best suited to the task prevail. In the meantime, may the people of Long Island get up the courage to demand change right here in our own backyard. Then maybe, just maybe, Long Island can actually think seriously about becoming its own state. Ah heck, I’m just dreaming.

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