Friday, June 20, 2008

Suffering Life: Suffolk Life Newspapers Closing After 46 Years

I have not been out on Long Island long enough to experience the heyday of Suffolk Life. But, I have been here long enough to appreciate the wealth of information that I gained from reading it, every single issue since I moved here.

I always read the "letters to the editor" to gauge community reaction to news and events unique to Suffolk County. And I definitely read Wilmotts and Why Nots to see what “Mr. David” had to say. I didn’t always agree but I admired his spunk. He reminded me a little of a Lou Dobbs type figure, a fist-thumping champion of his cause. It was pretty clear that he held the well-being of Suffolk County near and dear.

I realize now that I took for granted its arrival every Wednesday without fail, never absent, never late. I know there are other local papers out there but they are town or village specific. No other paper, not even Newsday covered the scope of Suffolk County to the extent of Suffolk Life. It will be sorely missed.

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