Tuesday, June 10, 2008

"Crookhaven" is Alive and Well

As I was catching up on reading my community newspapers today, many things struck me as appalling but the most egregious were the ongoing shenanigans of the Brookhaven Town government. It is absolutely shameful how ordinary citizens, when elected to office, suddenly lose sight of their moral compass and raid the public trust with complete impunity. For the last few months the esteemed councilpersons of Brookhaven Town have been squabbling over the best approach to reduce the Town vehicle fleet. Each political party wants credit for the right plan to save the taxpayers money especially since the Town faces a shortfall due to the decline in mortgage tax revenue.

Brookhaven Town has about 600 vehicles in the Town Fleet. How did the Town come to have so many in the first place? Are there really 600 people working for Brookhaven Town who need vehicles for Town Business? Not to mention that all of these vehicles have access to free gas at the Town gasoline pumps 24/07. Yes, while the rest of us are suffering from high gas prices, hundreds of Brookhaven Town officials and employees get a free car and free gas to drive to work courtesy of their struggling taxpayers. Furthermore, not one of the proposals to reduce the fleet adds up to a significant reduction. After all the years of squandering taxpayer dollars for which they now want to take credit for saving, how about starting with half the fleet being reduced immediately. Figure it out. If you can’t, bring in a citizen committee to do it, I’m sure they won’t find it too difficult.

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