Friday, October 10, 2008

Republican or Democrat: Which Side God?

I grew up in a Christian family that is pretty devout; not just showing up at Church on Sundays but attending weekly bible study and religious events. I, on the other hand, never internalized this part of my upbringing and to this day my family spends countless hours trying to convert me once and for all to the fold. So far I have remained unmoved until this week when the urge to pray has overtaken me as I witness the current political, social, and economic climate in the United States.

Christian conservative values are most aligned with and championed by the Republican party yet Republicans have by far engaged in the most immoral behavior over the last 8 years; there is not one single aspect of this Republican government that has not been cited for deceptive and/or criminal behavior. Yet, the Republicans continue to hold the monopoly on religious allegiance even while construing falsehoods and stirring the pot of prejudice and ignorance.

Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska has been out spewing the most vitriolic attacks on Sen. Barack Obama this week with little concern that the Alaska legislature was due to report today on whether she abused her power as Governor. What brazen gall? Unfortunately, they found her "slap on the wrist" guilty so it will be a wash; her evangelist base has already forgiven her every transgression thus far. Why does belief in God give you a free pass to despicable behavior?

With the backing of conservatives and evangelists everywhere, the McCain-Palin ticket has been encouraged to win at any cost; resorting to the politics of fear as the only strategy left at their disposal. It does not seem like the most Christian-like behavior especially when juxtaposed with the Obama campaign's message of hope. What does this say about America and its democracy? After all of this nastiness, the polls still indicate a fairly close race and this is why I am praying. Dear Lord, please be on the side of Obama. Amen.

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