Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Presidential Debate #3: Truth or Smear?

Tomorrow, the 3rd and final Presidential Debate will take place at Hofstra University, one of Long Island's premier institutions of higher learning. Once again Americans will have high hopes of hearing a meaningful discussion about the issues. After all, both Obama and McCain have introduced brand new addenda to their economic plans this week and we want to hear about them. Also, the debate has been painted as McCain's last attempt to shine given that recent polls show an increase in Obama's lead.

McCain, fresh off his pandering-to-the-base tour, has offered up yet more gems of economic inconsistency touting benefits that still tilt toward reducing the tax burden of our wealthier denizens. He has also hinted that he will bring up Obama's connections to Bill Ayers. Does he not realize that Obama's lead has increased exponentially since those attacks began? Well, Obama did say that he was surprised that McCain did not bring up those negativisms to his face during the last debate and now, McCain the man seems compelled to respond. This is the conclusion we all would make, I suppose, if we were coming off the same tour as McCain; egged on by his narrow-minded rabid fans.

McCain seems to have forgotten that he has plenty of guilt by association skeletons in his closet too so he may want to leave that stuff on the redneck trail where it belongs. Moreover, he had better be mindful that he will be in a blue state tomorrow with actual thinking people who will not respond to anti-intellectual cheap shots, or will they?

Obama also has plenty of explaining to do because I swear the man is on democratic liberal crack unveiling reams of spending plans to help everybody. I don't know how he expects the taxpayers to pony-up that kind of dough now that we have guaranteed all the bank deposits in the world. After all, that $500,000,000,000 deficit that has already been projected for the 2009 U.S. budget is definitely double by now.

Irrational exuberance has now taken over the U.S. government; the national debt clock in Times Square has run out of digits but somehow we have unlimited funds to guarantee the world financial markets and give tax breaks to poor Tom, healthcare-less Dick and jobless Harry. All hands are out and less money is supposed to come in? I hope these candidates find some financial rectitude and tell it like it is tomorrow.

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