Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obamercial is Flawless

On the eve of Obama's 30 minute prime-time infomercial, the critics were weighing in on this unprecedented occasion, well I keep hearing that Ross Perot did one but I must admit I don't remember it and I haven't looked it up, that it could wind up being a foot in mouth, over-confident, over-the top propaganda message, that it may backfire, that it was too much of a risk at this late stage, or the sheer cost of it is absurd, why is Fox delaying the world series for it, and that Obama is unfairly spending ill-gotten gains because he reneged on his pledge to accept public financing and the accompanying fund-raising cap even though at the time they were skeptical of his ability to raise cash on the open market. Even I was starting to dread the decision as too risky.

Well nervous nellies, it was flawless! Every lingering doubt, every policy point and all fears were put to rest as Obama delivered his message as a narrative through the eyes of middle class, swing-state based Americasn in a well-produced, engaging 30 minutes that was inspiring. How dare he make us hard-hearted folks feel hope for America? Well, if you caught John McCain on Larry King after the broadcast that was certainly his tone, whining, complaining and pushing his negative Obama message missing the opportunity once again to brush off Obama and tell the captive American audience why they should vote for him.

You watch one half hour of feel-good TV, followed by 12 minutes of grumpy old guy and you start to wonder why he still has statistically significant support. Either it is a testament to John McCain's credentials as a formidable candidate that he can run a disastrously disjointed, negative campaign, even choosing a woefully inadequate running mate and still be within a few digits in the polls or Obama is a black man.

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