Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Another Oath; Another Dollar

It seems that yesterday's oath was not good enough and neither was yesterday's stock market. Today, Obama called over Chief Justice John Roberts to redo the ceremonial oath of office just in case yesterday's flubbed inauguration day oath was challenged as incomplete. Though the Constitution explicitly states that the President assumes office at noon irregardless of an oath; President Obama, being the consititutional scholar, just wanted to be sure that all was truly legit. Today, the market decided that the disastrous 300+ drop yesterday had to be done over as well and rebounded with an almost 300 point rise. So all is well with the world now folks!

Actually, it is difficult to read any financial news these days because behind the numbers are some truly startling realities; the amount of jobs being shed on a daily basis is stratospherically increasing. Usually, Wall Street cheers when their are layoffs, it means a company is shoring up its balance sheet by cutting costs; human capital is the most expensive cost of any enterprise. At what point does Wall Street stop cheering a layoff as being good for business? When everybody loses their job?

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