Monday, January 5, 2009

Good Luck to all of us in 2009 because we sure are going to need it!

The holidays went so fast, I barely remember what happened. I know we partied a little like it was 1999 perhaps because deep down we knew that 2009 was going to require a lot of work, literally and figuratively. We will have to be frugal and sensible in order to make it through this year but we have to be careful not to become emotionally encumbered by the requirements. I will be seeking employment in an environment moving toward more unemployment, not less, though job creation is high on the new President's list, there are a heck of a lot more people out of work or underemployed than the numbers let on.

The only thing that I can think about right now is how to position myself for employment while the events of the world swirl around us like dust in a centrifuge. We are awaiting the inauguration of our new President while our current President withers in true farcical lame duck fashion; I mean really, does anyone really think the term "lame duck" should be lived out so utterly and completely lame? I think not. I feel embarrassed for Bush even after all that he has done to undermine my very existence but one would have to be a cold, unfeeling soul to let this kind of pathos exist without some kind of compassionate relevance even though he is the one who blindly got us all into this mess in the first place; amidst the calling out of failing policy is Israel boldly bombing the heck out of Gaza because they can since no one is in charge in the United States. Oh Barney Frank was right with his bit about Obama's statement regarding having one President at a time. Look it up. Anyhow, perhaps, now, we should no longer give Israel discounted weapons and their $10,000,000,000 in aid...not!

I couldn't, of course, finish this post without kudos to Blagojevich, who must possess metal bowling balls to carry on his outlandish proclamations without even a hint of irony. My goodness, he is a present-day Bush appearing worse on the outset; he doesn't have the staff to finesse his b.s. into hammer-clodding policy; after all he is only a Governor. But, what the heck, declarations speak louder than words though he is not the decider, he is the muddler, not rich enough to make statements that matter without a piece of the action. George Bush has the cake to say and do what he wants because he will get paid down the road when no one is looking because he does not need the money now. Oh well.

To that end or this end or someone's end or the end of something - careful, don't get into innuendo - I have re-framed my job-search into something a lot more encompassing in scope, I will aspire to find an opportunity where I can make money rather than just looking for a job; give my creative mind a problem that may have a better solution than the keywords and simplistic searches I am supposed to employ to find a job opportunity which, unfortunately, is drying up and sadly, disappearing on a daily basis. And I didn't even mention the recent meeting of our leading economists who unintentionally quipped that they weren't sure about what to do about our current economic situation and they were currently throwing the equivalent of the kitchen sink at the situation hoping something would stick. Eek!

Good luck to all of us in 2009 because we sure are going to need it!

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