Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Congressional Drama - C-Span Never Had It So Good

Who needs a reality TV show when we have the heights of Congressional drama to entertain? Ever since the drama with McCain and the bailout and Paulson and Bernanke and the rest of that daisy chain, it has been one ridiculous showcase of ineptitude, self-importance and arrogance culminating in what we thought was the peak of foolishness with the song and dance required of the Big 3 auto executives.

Now we have the Senate refusing to seat an appointed Senator because they believe that a Governor facing indictment on corruption charges should be stripped of his ability to nominate a replacement. What happened to innocent until proven guilty and why does the appointee have to seek legal counsel to ascertain his rights as the appointee of such a despicable but still unindicted Governor? He appointed me so I am the man and now give me my office and my seat. How about that? The Senate embraces their new President-elect, who just happened to be the only sitting black Senator, while refusing to allow the black man who has been appointed to replace him because they don't like the potentially criminal actions of the Governor who appointed him. What a mess. I have to look into this further because I really believe I must be missing something here; what laws did Blagojevich break exactly and on what authority does the Senate have to refuse an appointee?

As if this wasn't enough we still have the matter to settle of who will be the Senator from Minnesota. 62 days of nastiness and sore-losership later, Al Franken has been declared the winner by some 250 votes but the loser, incumbent Republican Senator Norm Coleman is still fighting. Oh well, at least the House is moving forward and has held the election for Speaker, too bad they re-elected Nancy Pelosi. I am still trying to figure out what she has done to be an effective leader. It's nice that she is a woman and all but I see no stunning accomplishment here. Again, I could be missing something. Probably that last person left from the Clinton years who has not been nominated for some postion in Obama's cabinet.

Not to be rude but is there really not enough "qualified" persons out there to serve in the upper eschelons of Government such that so many Senators and Governors have to be dragged out of their elected positions leaving states like New York scrambling to appoint a Congressional seat-filler and actually having to consider the likes of Caroline Kennedy as a possible Senator for sheer reason of being a member of a politcal dynasty. Oh what's to worry we already did that with the Bushes. If not her, I've seen the name Chelsea Clinton thrown up there as a potential replacement for her mother. Yeah yeah. 6 degrees of separation, who do I know? hmm.

Next up will be the confirmation hearings of Obama's cabinet. I am laughing already, I have no reason to believe that they will go smoothly at all especially with the undercurrent of culpability rising; already Bill Richardson has dropped out. Sanjay Gupta better start burying those skeletons in his closet if he has any hopes of making it to Surgeon General. Look, if you can go from Chief of Staff to head of the CIA, oh Leon we hardly knew you, then anything is possible.

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