Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Rethinking the Work-Life Balance

Can both of the parents of two grade school children, who reside in mid-Suffolk County, commute to New York City or its environs, up to a 2 hour commute each way, when they have no network of support, neither relatives nor close friends in the vicinity who can help manage the children as early as 6:15am and as late as 8pm?

There is much to consider.
Unfortunately, a non-income-generating wife is not an option for them at this time. The husband currently commutes to the city and the wife worked locally until she was laid off. Given the current economy and availability of jobs in her field, the pendulum is swinging toward a hefty commute for her as well, considering the interest she is receiving from prospective employers, in New Jersey, New York City and western Nassau County.

Yes, there are plenty of dual parent working households but a support system is necessary in order to succeed. Yes there are nannies and they seem to work well for families residing in New York City where there is proximity and public transportation to help a non-family member shuttle the children to their requisite activities.

The suburbs require a vehicle, a whole extra layer of complication when it comes to safety and insurance. Also, the cost of the nanny together with the $600 a month in transportation costs (commuter rail, subway and gas) and the negative cost of seeing the children very little during the week would eliminate much of the benefit of the additional salary.

The reality is that both parents working in the city or very close to it would require a significant move to reduce the commute and childcare costs. It would be a major disruption in the lives of the children and would it truly be worth it now that they are established members of the community? The benefit of moving would be that the children could be dropped off at school on the way to work (at a reasonable hour) and the abundant choices of after-school care could be utilized (widely available til 6pm).

The savings on childcare and transportation costs would definitely improve the family finances. However the cost of housing in or near the city may undo all of the savings. Also, could they (or anyone for that matter) sell their house for a reasonable amount in this real estate market to facilitate such an option?

Job desperation will make one attempt the impossible when it comes to work-life balance; it invariably means throwing one's life out of balance when the getting to and from work takes precedence. But without work, what about the dollars required to fund life? Well, this is my life and these are the questions that are swirling while my job clock is ticking. And nothing could save me but a miracle job in Suffolk County. Is there anybody out there? Can I get a witness?

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