Monday, November 16, 2009

Where is the Substance?

Where is the substance and when are we going to get it back? I am tired of the political drama swirling around us. Can we get down to the business of serious solutions? I am tired of the Republicans being the party of no and I'm tired of the Democrats fixing the economy with a subsidy to everyone. We have real problems to solve but instead all we get from the cable news channels these days is negativity and bickering depending on their political leaning. Cable news channels, if they ever did, no longer report the news impartially, they preach to their respective choirs. Conservatives go to Fox, Liberals go to MSNBC and the rest go to CNN which is dead last in the ratings right now.

While we are glowingly covering all the knock down drag fights between the political parties and soaking up each morsel of their infighting, nothing is being done in government except what is dictated by the lobbyists and campaign contributors. The elected officials are just pawns in the giant game of whose money speaks loudest and catering to those monies in the hopes that it secures their re-election. Apparently being an elected official is so downright fantastic that once a person is in, their sole purpose in life is to sustain their tenure.

Americans love drama but they don't realize that the drama that we are witnessing is very destructive. We arbitrarily blame incumbents for issues not of their making and elect contenders who have no real strategy to improve the status quo. We throw out Democrats for trying to help too many and elect Republicans who want to help no one but themselves. Back and forth like a yo-yo while the country continues to sink.

We are quickly throwing Republicans back into office forgetting the destruction created under eight years of Bush and yet the Democrats are only in power because of the destruction created under eight years of Bush. We show our disgust by not showing up for elections while we expend our troops and billions of dollars to guarantee the elections of other nations. We are so far off from what we can accomplish as a country, it is a shame. We need to stop treating our politics like a reality show and start demanding some substance.

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