Thursday, August 21, 2008

Federal Debt: How Much is Too Much?

I have been especially worried about this economic downturn because of the amount of debt associated with it. Not just for individuals but on the part of the federal government and its entities. The treasury and the federal reserve are borrowing and spending like wildfire to prop up the economy. The federal government has tacked on more debt in the past 8 years than it had acquired in its entire previous existence. The 2009 budget deficit is already close to $500 billion ($500,000,000,000) and the national debt is over 10 trillion ($10,000,000,000,000).

The government has the highest level of debt it has ever had. The American people have the highest level of debt they have ever had. Yet we don’t seem to be too worried. While we all worry about the state of the economy, many look to the government for help and the government is helping. Maybe we Americans simply do not understand how much the government is borrowing for all of the bailouts. Many Americans are suffering now because they didn't recognize their debt limit until it was too late. New York state is currently trimming its budget in order to combat its rising deficit before it becomes unmanageable. When will the federal government realize that it has borrowed too much? What amount will that be?

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