Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Democratic Convention: Obama-Biden is the Ticket

With a lead up by President Bill Clinton and Sen. John Kerry, Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware accepted the nomination as the Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate and launched into a speech that without a doubt made it clear why he was chosen and what this ticket would offer to the American people. And, although Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic Presidential nominee had not been present at the convention thus far, he presented himself at the end of Biden’s speech to seal visually and completely the Democratic ticket for President.

Once again the speeches were on point and delivered exactly what was expected of them. Though the press may want to continue to trump up a Clinton-Obama discord between the delegates, it was pretty clear that the Democrats had reached common ground.

Whether we want to accept it or not, this election is different. The policies of the past 8 years have left the country bereft. Reaganomics worked in the 80s when we needed to spur industry and growth, back when America still outranked the world economically and created wealth within its borders. This decade it has had a negative effect because in this decade it is about competing in the world economy. The wealth no longer trickles down only to Americans; it is spread across the world. As we can see, many countries in the world have improved their economic standing greatly.

Which candidate will help America to reclaim its helm and once again set an example of innovation and prosperity? We cannot continue to borrow from China to purchase oil from the Middle East; whether we consider them Allies or not should not be of consequence. We are the Superpower; we should still be rich enough to buy what we want when we want it on the world stage. We should not be borrowing for our basic needs. This is in fact what many middle class folks are doing; should America, the greatest country on earth be doing that too?

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