Friday, August 22, 2008

Waiting for the Official Race

For the last 2 years the nation has been a swirl with the presidential primaries. The run for the White House dominates national news sometimes to the exclusion of everything else. This weekend is the democratic convention and next weekend is the republican convention; the official race is soon to begin. In just over 2 months we will be voting for a new president.

America is facing difficult economic times and is still knee deep in a difficult war. Our foreign relations have been strained and our government is not only deeply in debt but completely at the mercy of special interests. Each candidate claims they have the better plan to solve these problems and the victor will surely be tested over the next 4 years.

In my view, neither candidate has put forth a workable plan. I am looking to these 2 conventions to give me better information. No matter your political affiliation, we all need to be watching, America's future is at stake.

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