Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Thank Goodness for the Olympics

The dog days of summer are just that; dog days. The economy is in the toilet and no amount of massaged news can reverse reality. We are getting a little bit of a reprieve at the gas pump with gasoline prices now averaging $3.89 a gallon, down about 40 cents a gallon since July. Unfortunately, for middle class Long Islanders, this is not enough savings to stave off the indebtedness we are all facing and the fact that the home heating oil season is soon to be upon us. Thankfully for the past few days and another week or so to go, we have had the distraction of the Olympics and these games have been far from ordinary.

The sheer magnitude of the opening ceremonies captured our imaginations so completely that we were immediately swept up in the glory of the games. There is no way to deny that the Chinese are a force to be reckoned with; a new rival. We were completely upstaged in these opening ceremonies, for most of us felt that America (or any other country for that matter) could not have, would not have, produced anything so breath-taking and amazing, yet we are enjoying the games. It is a dichotomy that speaks volumes. There is a tacit understanding as we cheer for America that this is our last chance at glory; we have to win the most medals or more medals than the Chinese at least. We are now directly competing against the Chinese with our athletes as they are with us, mano a mano, except we compete with our last vestige of status, our advantage, a (perceived) dominance in sports. I’m certainly enjoying every minute of it. May the best country win!

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