Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Bernanke-Paulson Coincidenza

What do the Chairman of the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Secretary really have up their sleeves. The slow trickle of truth unfolds. The Federal Reserve waived the rules today to allow American Express to become a bank so that they can have easy access to Federal Reserve funds whenever they want to. Goldman Sachs became a bank. Morgan Stanley became a bankl We really didn't ask why because Bernanke and Paulson have convinced us that it had to be so; we had to save our financial institutions.

In addition, Treasury Secretary Paulson single-handedly changed tax law section 382 allowing companies to assume the debt of acquisitions thus off-setting their gains and significantly reducing their taxes. This loophole was closed in 1986 by Congress precisely to prevent companies from misusing this statute to circumvent their tax liability. Perhaps the treasury saw the benefit of giving good companies incentive to buy up losing companies but they don't have the authority to change tax law. Wells Fargo used this statute the very day it was unhinged to snap up Wachovia out of Citibank's grip successfully reducing its tax liability by $25,000,000,000.

Amidst off this, Paulson and Bernanke came begging congress for a $700,000,000,000 bailout package to rescue our financial institutions. Basically this gave them a multi-trillion dollar pot of funds to dole out to whomever they want to and now they don't want to give us all of the details for any of it. These Kings of the Universe have plundered the taxpayer, plundered the Federal Reserve and plundered the Treasury with virtually no oversight.

The two highest financial institutions in America have been hijacked by Bernanke and Paulson for in the process of saving our financial institutions, they have undone all of their own regulations. This can't be any accident. This doesn't look good.

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