Monday, November 3, 2008

His Story

My fingers are crossed, my toes are crossed, my nerves are crossed...I'm not sure I can put together a cohesive sentence. This is the eve of a real opportunity for Americans to step forward into a better era and a better history. Tomorrow, history will be made regardless of which party wins this election. This is the only instance where Barack Obama and Sarah Palin can be mentioned together in the same light; he may become the first black President, she may become the first female Vice President.

It is pretty clear Barack Obama should win this historic round. Barack Obama has run a masterful campaign and he has transcended the realm of mere candidacy to become the leader of a movement; a movement that will shake America out of its hallowed racial barriers towards an America that is inclusive of all and a positive beacon for the rest of the world. As Obama states often, the road will not be easy even if he is chosen to lead, for the America that he deserves to be handed tomorrow will be a mere shadow of its former self, hollowed out by a self-serving, arrogant leadership that has bled it dry of whatever virtue it had left.

To my dear friends, who have walked the walk, talked the talk, and pounded the streets to gather support for Obama; who sacrificed their time and energy to promote victory for the rest of us, may your tireless efforts be rewarded tomorrow and may we all share in the glory.

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