Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Change: President Now

As the realization of the change sinks in we constantly mull the significance in our minds. What does this mean for all minority peoples, their children and themselves, their future, their fortune, their limitless opportunity, now sanctioned, stamped and guaranteed.

Now that the dust has settled, we can survey the landscape and it doesn't look good at all; more layoffs, more economic unrest and depressionary figures that have not been seen for decades. The Dow slides another day not in response to the election as fools may claim but because it has been doing it all year. Granted, excitement about the election underscored a rally on Tuesday but the fundamentals are still bad and we now have no election distraction.

All of this is impressed upon the President-elect has he moves to swiftly elect his aides, staff members and cabinet to assure and calm America that he is still on the boat. Even though his inauguration is over two months away, America really wants him to be President now. Even George W. and Laura want the Obamas to come to DC now; George says "this is your office" and Laura says "this is your house." They wish they could say, "take it tomorrow."

The two plus months to inauguration used to be a rest; the President-elect disappeared for a while, chose his staff and re-appeared to take his oath on the Qur'an, fear not mongers, the bible and off he went to save the world. We must remember that FDR in the same situation had until March before he was inaugurated while Hoover (Bush) presided over continued economic devastation. FDR took the politically advantageous course, he stayed silent, did not show his hand and swooped in to be the savior of America. Obama will have a Press Conference tomorrow so it is clear he will not be driving himself out of the hotel in his gold Toyota Sequoia on his way to Disney Land. Obama, under the tutelage of John Podesta, former head of Bill Clinton's transition team, will field the middle, since Podesta, having learned from his previous over-conceived expediency-busting rollout will push to appease the impatient Americans with worthy choices sooner than later.

Whatever the case the post-election frivolity need not consume me, I now have more time to exist as a human, to accept free tickets to the Northport Theatre courtesy of the Smithown Chamber of Commerce. I had a lovely evening, the first date I have had with my husband in years (we always take the kids) and we could revel in the fact that as minorities we ruled the world, silly though it may be, we were the only ones. We have been in this situation a hundred times before but this time we truly belonged as the suburban educated people that we are unencumbered by race and ethnicity.

I'm not sure if this observation is even necessary because the show was flawless, the production was classy and the performances were 100%. We would have had a ball, regardless.

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