Wednesday, December 9, 2009

All I Want for Christmas is a Job

My job search is heating up right when I should be focusing on the holidays. I am so completely distracted that it has suddenly occurred to me that it will be Christmas two weeks from tomorrow and I am far from ready. While I have incredible respect for each and every celebration that occurs during this time period, my family celebrates Christmas and it is to this holiday that I refer. Right now, I have no tree and no lights and I have sent no cards and I have not done any shopping. It seems to me that the Christmas spirit has been severely crimped this year, two years of Recession will do that to us, I suppose.

I have not tapped into any overt excitement even though there are only two weeks left. Have we lost our joy? Even the children are not bothering too much about it. They literally have no Christmas lists, it is incredible. But then again, children are resilient and they do respond to the times and though my children are fortunate to live in true suburban comfort, we have tried to refocus them on other pursuits besides the collection of material things. They have been showered with lots of love, attention and affection while I have been out of work so maybe we are simply reaping the benefits of that. They are simply happy to have me around and we all cherish the time because we know I will eventually be back to work.

We have experienced a serious dent to our disposable income so I'm not really in the mood to shop. And while some will experience an urge to splurge just to break up the monotony of lack, I don't feel that materialism will cheer me up. I just want to work. I am excited about the prospect of going to work. And I know for sure that I will be the happiest worker ever for my gratitude will be intact for years. These last three years have been tough for us so I won't be looking any gift horse in any mouth. I suppose that my truth is at hand, all I want for Christmas is a job. I'll be more than happy to celebrate Christmas later when I have made enough money to really and truly afford some gifts.

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