Monday, December 14, 2009

More of the Same

We are still fighting in Afghanistan

We are still fighting in Iraq

Guantanamo is still open

Financial institutions are still raking in the dough

Special interests and Lobbyists have completely hijacked the government

The costs for entitlement programs (Social Security and Medicare) continue to rise

The Military Industrial Complex is completely indestructible and the costs continue to escalate

The middle class is still shrinking

The national debt has reached an amount formerly considered catastrophic

The government is morally bankrupt

American corporations have bought our leaders

Congress' approval rating is still dismal

And so on....

As we reach the end of the aughts, the problems are still the same except for the common person/taxpayer, their situation has cratered - staggering unemployment, staggering defaults on debt, be it mortgage, credit card, auto or small business loan, and a staggering weight upon their shoulders as America's future seems increasingly bleak.

So, all we have to look forward to is next year. I do really feel like skipping the holidays because I really don't want to shop or be put in the position of having to shop considering the economic uncertainty that continues to swirl around us. Some are calling the Recession over but many of us are still deep in a depression in many ways. Yes, I do know that holiday spirit can work wonders, especially in times like these, so I am going to put down my typing fingers and try to find some. And I won't be back until I do.

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