Thursday, December 3, 2009

Where Did the Swine Flu Go?

I thought we were still in the middle of a swine flu pandemic, the re-emergence of an old strain - slightly mutated - that threatens the global populace. Last month, there was a shortage of the vaccine, did we get it? Is everyone happily vaccinated now? Or, has swine flu prevention just become a regular part of our lives such that swine flu fear and the accompanying fear-mongering headlines are no longer necessary. Or, has swine flu simply gone the way of avian "bird" flu or SARS? Maybe there is not enough room in the news cycle, what with all the economic collapse, healthcare reform and unwinnable wars we are surrounded with. Not to mention Tiger Wood's early morning solo car crash at the end of his driveway followed by a wife wielding a golf club and the subsequent admittance of "transgressions" on his part.

Schools and businesses have loaded up on hand sanitizer and education initiatives to help people learn, yet again, hand-washing techniques which we all should know by now is the single most effective method for preventing any type of contagion. Hasn't there been a sign in every public restroom for the past 30 years? Hopefully, it is all sinking in and people continue to be careful, for the cold weather is rapidly approaching and by extension the worst of the cold and flu season. Maybe there will be a decrease in simple colds and flu as an additional bonus from all the swine flu preventive methods we are all supposed to be practicing. Whatever the case, I'm doing all that I can do to prevent myself from getting sick. Excuse me while I go load up on some more vitamins.

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