Monday, December 7, 2009

Keeping the Job Hunt Rolling

Rolling, rolling, rolling, keep that job hunt rolling...

Tomorrow I continue my bid for a civil service position. It has been a long and arduous process but I'm happy to still be in the running having reached the actual interview stage. Yes, I am indeed drinking the koolaid when it comes to working in the public sector. But the public sector has fared well, despite the recession, because states and localities used federal stimulus money to plug their budgets and avert layoffs among the rank and file.

Unfortunately, the influx of federal cash won't be available next year and state and municipal tax revenues continue to decline
meaning that next year there will be huge budget gaps to fill. So, those of us attempting to join the ranks of public employment at this juncture may be late to the game. I must admit that I am concerned that any new recruits will not have the same job protections as the sitting ducks and I feel that even if I do land a civil service job, I may end up being part of a new wave of layoffs unprecedented in the public sector.

Nevertheless, I am still going for it because I am at least intrigued by the position and having reversed myself on the sector entirely, I truly hope to get it. I am willing to adjust my worldview for the right opportunity and those of us who are unemployed know that we must be flexible in order to improve our odds. Despite recent positive data on the national level, the employment horizon remains bleak on Long Island. Competition is fierce and we have to play hard to win while being thankful for the chance to step onto the playing field. Tomorrow I step out onto the field. Wish me luck.

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