Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow, Snow Go Away, Come Again Another Day

Hear! Hear! Today, David Brooks, the conservative columnist of the New York Times, commended President Obama and Joe Biden along with the rest of the White House staff for their calm and rational approach to leadership. Miracle. A positive article about the President from the other side no less.

But, it is not enough to soothe my gall at the rush to pre-emptive school closings based on a forecast when not one drop of snow has graced the ground, yet. It is nearly midnight. Why couldn't it wait until morning? What if it doesn't snow enough later on to warrant the pre-hysteria. In my day, you called a snow day after the stuff had fallen to the ground. Last time I checked the weather forecast was just that, a prediction. Now that we regularly call our weather people 'meteorologists', does the gravitas of the title automatically confer actual clairvoyance?

I'd like to go to work tomorrow. They don't honor telecommuting at my new temporary place of business so if I don't go, I'll lose a day's pay. I don't relish the thought of fishtailing myself into the office and I could theoretically stay home. But, it is hard to pass up the opportunity to make some cash. I can always leave early if the bad weather really does materialize and if it does, I'll be cursing in the car all the way home.

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