Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tax Grievance

Today, in a definite affront to the IRS, a 53 year old man carried out a suicide mission against the ageny. He set his house on fire this morning, left a rant on a website, climbed into a small plane and flew it into an IRS building in Austin, Texas causing a major fire and inflicting serious damage. Wow, that is moxie, America usually doesn't have suicide bombers.

I'm not condoning his actions but we can certainly identify with his rage against the agency here on the verge of tax season. I don't know what his particular situation with the IRS was but of the taxes I have to pay, the IRS piece is just one part. I pay plenty in Social Security (FICA) tax, New York State tax and property taxes not to mention sales tax, gasoline tax and all those other taxes that come out of my wages.

Perhaps the IRS has come to represent the evils of rampant taxation in general. Or maybe, because he lives in Texas, where there is no income tax, it was the agency he had to most contend with. I wonder if his actions change the tax situation for his family or if he has now egregiously left his problems to them.

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