Monday, February 2, 2009

I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane

It is true, my vacation is a reality; we're leaving tomorrow for the Florida gulf coast where it will be a little warmer than here and there will be some history to discover. I am still apologizing for the expense since I'm making a decision against the grain; and certainly not conserving enough or the money could be gladly appropriated to debt service. Anyway, I'm not sure if I will write since I won't want to stay up so late to write especially if I want to get the most of out of each day including a good night's sleep. Unfortunately, unlike the song, I will be back again to pick up my world; and attack my world with renewed vigor. I am looking forward to that part, I'll have plenty of gratitude to show myself for taking this trip and I want to be deserving of my own largesse.

Its Groundhog day but the shadows disagreed; this weather has been too crazy to predict anyway, the bad economic news showers us like naked rain and you need the power to go on. How did it get this bad so quickly and is any of us really behaving rationally? My job search has dried up completely; it has taken me by surprise. How swiftly most of the job prospects have vanished. I have always found a job when I needed a job and I am willing to work hard. I enjoy doing a good job and I'm not afraid of work so I'll shift my paradigm and move on - I will find something, I am certain. 85% of Americans are working if you double the unemployment statistics which is probably closer to the true number and I'm sure I have enough skills to make it through with the majority.

February has raced in all too quickly; the last of the winter is upon us and there is more bad weather to come. The last three winters have been fairly mild out here in Suffolk County, our lake did not freeze. It froze the first year we were here and now in year five. I went out on my almost new skates, the ones I bought in year 2 never for the lake to freeze again, and took a few rounds, it was very nice. I am trying to embrace winter sports but I don't really like being cold so that doesn't help. I generally try not to complain when it is hot outside, this is the side I have picked and what sends me running down South for some warmer weather. According to the weather forcast, my first few days will be unseasonably cool then the temp goes back into the high 70s the day I leave, oh well. My luck will come around.

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