Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Presidential Address

President Barack Obama gave his first State of the Union style address before a joint session of Congress. The President told us "I get it," he knows that things are bad. I'm thinking this is the first time a President has used that phrase in a speech.

Anyhow, the President outlined an ambitious agenda, a very tall order for these times, fixing the economy, healthcare, education and investing in renewable energy, technology and entrepreneurship. He also praised the stimulus package, promised America that it would emerge greater and stronger and that it had to make some tough decisions if it wanted to be back on top. Why make such a long and difficult list? These type of lists always set one up to fail but hopefully President Obama will maneuver himself through this crisis and this list and come out on top having solved some of the many longstanding problems whose solutions continue to perplex and beseige America.

Given the economic crisis, I'm just hoping to survive the next couple of years, and hopefully end up better than or the same as I am now, just that I don't end up any worse. That's what I would expect from the President. Alas, he thinks he can get through the crisis and do everything else as well. Good Luck Mr. President. I'm on your side but I'm also fearful of your ambition. Great ambition sometimes can mimimize any achievements if the results end up being less than proposed and of course dreadfully highlights failures. After all, we certainly don't want to blame the black man for the failure of America even if it isn't his fault.

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