Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Recession Means Everybody...Including Sports

Despite the financial turmoil befalling us, salaries for sports players are stratospheric. Are they really worth this much money? I understand the sports franchises are extremely profitable and that the players should benefit from profit-sharing. However, I am surprised that there is more profit to be made from sports even though expenditure on every other item considered disposal income is shrinking. I think they are wrong about sports this time around.

During the depression, sports kept the country's morale afloat but there was little to choose from for entertainment. There are too many things competing with sports franchises starting with 700+ channels of available entertainment. Also, video games and other electronic devices vying for our attention not to mention the internet, instant messaging and texting.

If we were worried about the species communicating, we can put any discontent to rest. More than ever, people must be yapping to someone even while they are ordering food at the fast food restaurant. Then, they get angry when the server gets their order wrong. Sports is wonderful and I've had my share of it. I grew up with 3 brothers so I had no chance at the TV. It was sports as much as it was on. I think this is a dying breed, the sports-fan. I know a fan when I see one, my brothers are a bit extreme, I might add. Nevertheless, they lament that sports has gotten way too expensive. As the entertainment of the common man, the ticket prices are not common at all.

Sports will price itself out. $250 for a show will soon be way out of reach for most of us.

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