Monday, February 9, 2009

Obama Whatevers

I am back from my vacation and it was just the right break at the right moment. It was money well spent and enough to get us through the next few years until we travel again. Now, I have to turn my mind back to the developments at large, another desperate plea for stimulus funds and the same sky is falling mentality that Bush shepherded us through during the Paulson-Bernanke days. And, oh yes, President Obama's first primetime press conference.

The Press is following every soundbite of the President Obama making the rounds at Congress to rally for the stimlus package worth $827,000,000,000. How do we know that this set wil not hoard the funds and wait it out with government funds padding the bottom line?

If you ask the portion of the population that put all their efforts into getting Obama elected, whatever plan he presents is "fine", they are still coasting on the election results, excited to see Obama being hailed as Mr. President and to cheer whatever ceremony continues the celebration of Obama's election. Noone is crossing the President yet, not the Press with its soft-ball questions and analysis.
Mr. Obama is the President now but the reality has not sunk in, we are all simply happy to see him there. Whatever grievances are just noise.

It is nice to see a President responding eloquently on a wide range of topics to the point where the pundits were all commenting on his verbosity. But, we really should be paying attention, politics is still politics, Obama or no Obama, but we'll follow everything he says, for now...Whatever.

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