Thursday, February 19, 2009

Market Drags: Dow Drops Below 7500

Ooh, the dreaded scary bottom, the market broke 7500 on the way down today and here I was worried that I'd missed my opportunity when it was at 7600 last fall. This time the naysayers are correct; it is bad. Day-to-day hope is eroding even under our inspiring President. Jobs are disappearing and the stimulus will help, just not right away.

If you speak with any pro-Obama conspiratory theorist, they would tell you that the economic numbers appeared to suddenly plummet after he was elected; the numbers had been artificially inflated by the Bush Administration to help prop up his deflating Presidency and to aid John McCain's bid for the White House. So far, Bush has disappeared altogether, so has Cheney, Rice, Paulson & other Bush notables. Where do they go so quickly?

Or is it that we are inundated with 100% Obama, all of the time. He is the news, there is no other news before us. I am happy that we have so much respect for the President; I am sad that his greatness will be compromised by this depleting economic situaiton. It is not his fault technically but it is all of our fault fundamentally.

Those of us who have the opportunity should find a source of income in this market. I am trying to identify that opportunity then pursue with exactitude. As much as I was hesistent to return to the workforce when my youngest entered 1st grade, it worked out great for all of us and I was looking forward to remaining in this environment for many years forward. My oldest spent most afternoons engaged in one sporting activity or another so I could participate in the after school car pool.

Life was sweet and good when I had my job. We were able to make a dent in the business debt and take a vacation. I felt important and formed an excellent shared partnership with my spouse and we employed extra help for our children and our home. We wanted to be drivers in an entrepreneurial society.

We are down but not out. I am committed to my job search in earnest because I believe I have the skills and ability to be part of the 80-85% who will remain employed through this downturn. The majority of Americans will still have jobs, I believe I belong in the majority. Another great opportunity will present itself for me and I will be very fortunate, not to mention quite grateful and I will work very hard as I tend to do. I will be thoroughly fortified to receive a nice steady paycheck for a hard day's work. I'd be very happy for that.

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