Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Can We Fix Long Island?

So asks the Long Island Business News (LIBN) today:

"Do you know of a new way to control property taxes? Have you discovered how to keep young people here? Are you burning with an idea about streamlining special districts? How about consolidating schools, alternative energy and immigration?" (Long Island Business News, 6/16/09)

LIBN is asking for submissions from us locals with our ideas for fixes and will publish the best entries in their upcoming Long Island Annual Report. I am looking forward to reading some of the ideas for, like many, I gripe often but do not really posit any real solutions. Perhaps this is a good time for all of us to truly think about what to do with this aging suburb. Though everyone agrees that Long Island is a lovely place to live, the middle class affordability that drew so many to its newly built suburbs after World War II is gone. Yet, those in the power base wish to preserve what once was and refuse to understand that the status quo is unsustainable.

As we can see with all aspects of government, it seems that nothing is fixed until it completely breaks; those in power eventually succumb to self-preservation requiring them to placate those who hold the "strongest" votes. Sacrifices will have to be made in order to bring Long Island back in balance. Is there anyone willing to do so?

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