Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Sham By Any Other Name...?

We all know that power corrupts. That is why so many politicians practice infidelity, be they Democrat, Bill Clinton, Eliot Spitzer and John Edwards come to mind, or Republican, John McCain, Newt Gingrich, Rudy Guiliani, and most recent confessor, Senator John Ensign of Las Vegas to name too many.

Since a major tenet of the political platform of this latter group is conservative, read Christian, values then why do so many members of the GOP stray from the marital bed? How many times will the evangelicals, who have their own famous club of infidels, cite forgiveness to whitewash the indiscretions of their party leaders? A sham by any other name...? Perhaps it is best not to preach what you cannot practice. Perhaps it is time for the GOP to drop family values from their platform because they simply do not believe.

Perhaps we should turn to Fox News, the designated conservative media outlet for some insight. Oh, I see that the most emailed article on FOXNews.com today is from the FOXSexpert, Dr. Yvonne K. Fulbright, 10 Steps To Extended Massive Orgasm. There you have it.

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