Tuesday, June 2, 2009

When it Rains...

During this time when we are trying to conserve cash, it seems that a slew of potentially costly negative events keep cropping up. I suppose we may have overlooked much of them if we were working, chalking it all up to the regular rhythm of life. But, when life has already dealt you a series of heavy blows, it is hard to feel that the world is not against you when Murphy's Law is in full effect. Lately, everything that can go wrong has been going wrong.

My computer died completely on Thursday; I need a new motherboard so a complete rebuild will be required. What a pain. A rock hit my husband's windshield leaving a nasty star dent; we hope to avoid a complete replacement. Also, his cell phone, which is at least 4 years old, no longer functions in any capacity for which it is intended. Our lawn mower that we bought used a couple years ago was overwhelmed by the heavy grass growth that this very wet spring has wrought and so it too died. We have been looking on Craig's list but so far the one's we've liked have sold quickly; we continue the search while the grass grows. While I love the rain, we could use a little break and a little more sun.

Also, I received news that my certification courses are scheduled to start at the end of June, right when my children are done with their school. I was hoping it would start sooner so we could all be in school together. So now, there will be additional childcare costs for the summer. Great. I believe in positive thinking but lately, it is not bringing the intended results. I need a karmic reset. Nevertheless, I will persevere. Wish me luck.

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