Thursday, June 4, 2009

So Long, David Carradine

Growing up in the 70s, there was no escaping the legend of "Kung Fu." We all watched and we all thought that David Carradine was cool. Along with Jack Nicholson, Christopher Walken, Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro, he epitomized cool for our generation. I probably left some out but it doesn't really matter. We will always remember the breakout roles of these actors where their essence of cool reverberated.

Though they had long careers and other well lauded roles, we remember the moment they burst on the scene; that is the place where we always return with fond memories. David Carradine was 72 years old and shooting a movie when he died; the circumstances are questionable and I will leave it at that. For our generation, Bruce Lee introduced us to kung fu but David Carradine brought it home for us.

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