Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bailout or Else: The GOP Politics of Fear in Full Swing Yet Again

Having now presided over the biggest economic collapse in recent history, George W. Bush and friends are out to convince the American people that the best and only solution is to hand over $700,000,000,000 to the Treasury Secretary to bail out Wall Street and that it should be done expeditiously and with as minimal oversight as possible. This Administration has perfected the Karl Rove politics of fear methods so completely and, unfortunately, so successfully that they have no qualms rolling it out whenever they need to force the hand of the American people.

Right now we are witnessing almost to the letter the same playbook used to rush us into war 6 years ago. Tonight the President spoke on television right before Congress is to go on break, like he did 6 years ago, giving us the old “act now or doom will befall you” speech. These same tactics were employed during Bush’s re-election campaign and are now being employed in more extreme fashion in John McCain’s campaign. So far, they have been successful at these methods even though the outcome has always been disastrous for the American people.

Though the Congress is trying more diligently this time around to mitigate the damage of hasty decision-making; this plan seems destined to come to fruition in some form albeit with greater restrictions. Why isn’t anyone else coming up with an alternative solution? Why is this expensive bailout the only way to bring order to the markets? While the GOP continues with their lies, fear and deceit, the American people are once again swept up into a situation where they are taken for a ride and this time around instead of fearing the GOP; they fear the intelligent black man who actually does want to help them.

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