Wednesday, September 10, 2008

To All Who Want to Vote for McCain

Dear Americans, we can sit here and bicker over the most trivial of matters and continue to take our eye off the ball. The elephant in the room is the economy. No matter how you slice it, the government has followed Reagan's trickle down economic theory for the past 8 years while deregulating more industries and allowing us to get into a war that is costing us $10,000,000,000 a MONTH.

This economic policy is no longer working; our financial institutions, the government and most Americans are deeply in debt. The government is borrowing hundreds of billions of dollars from China and the Middle East to bail out our financial institutions. Are you people blind, deaf and dumb? The economic policy of the last 8 years is erasing the middle class every day.

Do not get duped again by the lies of the GOP. This is the party of George Bush, they are the ones who got us into this economic mess and now they have Americans believing that the same policies will get us out.

McCain will continue this economic policy and it will not help 95% of Americans. Walk down the street in your town and look around you at the economic desperation, your jobs being threatened, your neighbors losing their homes and your struggle to pay the bills. Is this really what you all want more of?

Vote for the GOP and vote yourself poorer, vote for more tax breaks for the rich, vote for more war, vote against separation of church and state and more importantly vote against America. They are not doing what’s best for America, they just want to keep their power. I'd rather fail with Obama and say at least we tried than do nothing for 4 more years.

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