Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Surprises

Hurricane Gustav narrowly misses New Orleans but still packs a wallop to the gulf coast. The Republican National Convention is cancelled for today due to fear of mishandling another hurricane disaster. It will officially begin tomorrow but with more curiosity than ever. The big news of the day is that McCain’s apparently squeaky clean conservative choice for VP is not so squeaky after all. It figures. No one is squeaky clean; I don’t know why Americans always keep expecting it of people running for office.

Gov. Sarah Palin was greeted like a breath of fresh air for the Republican party even though she is under investigation for possible ethics violations. However the big twist on her platform was revealed today; her 17 yr old daughter, Bristol, is pregnant. Thankfully, she will be forced into marriage so it will all be made whole and the stigma of an being an unwed mother, not to mention daughter of the most conservative woman to hit the Republican stage will be averted so it seems. However, it will make it difficult for Palin to continue her support for abstinence-only training when she cannot get her own daughter to abide.

Fox News was already down-playing the pregnancy as a private family matter. Since it is being handled “correctly,” Palin’s daughter will marry her guy; no conservative rules have really been broken. What price political ambition? No matter the spin, this revelation will definitely undermine the conservative party platform that she was chosen to uphold.

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