Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Finally The Financial Truth Flows Through the Markets

The world-wide financial markets are in crisis right now. Wall Street investment banks are failing and/or scrambling to stay afloat either through a merger or cash infusion. The Dow lost 504.48 yesterday and 449.36 today; almost 1000 points in 2 days. Meanwhile markets in Russia, Asia and other parts of the world are hemorrhaging; Russia has had to halt trading over the last 2 days.

As you know, I knew these days were coming and I welcome them. We have to let the financial truth flow through the markets so we can figure out where we are so we can know where we have to go. All of the lies and propping up caused the market to disassociate from reality. The markets have been on a roller coaster ride this whole year because investors had no idea where to plant their feet. I have gone over all of this in previous posts.

I hope all of this fallout means we are getting closer to a financial reality based on the fundamentals. Yes things are terrible right now and I have always said that the market should reflect it. All we did was delay the inevitable; the government invested over $500,000,000,000 into trying to shore up the markets and it didn't help at all. Now investors are worried the government has over-extended itself.

I'd rather know the truth because knowledge is power; with the right information, we can find solutions. We have found them before and we will find them again. In the meantime, it is going to be terrible, I am not looking forward to going through any of it. At least we all know that we are in it together because that's all we have right now. We need to help each other as Americans first and people second.

All I can hope is that Americans do the right thing and elect the President that will bring us together. President Bush and the GOP have done nothing but divide Americans into nasty splinter groups blaming and re-blaming while they capitalize on our prejudicial weaknesses leaving us proving once again that there is truth in those unavoidable cliches:


There is no way for McCain to bring us together and you all should know that by now. Do you really think he will inspire us to do anything? Ask yourselves deep down inside if lies, deception and downright nastiness is the way to help America. Obama will make mistakes, all Presidents do, but at least we will be United, something we have not been for a long, long, time.

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