Friday, September 19, 2008

Lies Lies and More Lies

The political stretching of the truth has become less of a game of word-play and innuendo and more of a sad tale of blatant telling and re-telling of outright lies. While Obama's team has utilizes the conventional method of truth stretching, the McCain campaign has resorted to outright lies. His VP pick came out of the gate lying and still has not stopped even though the lies have been debunked across most media outlets.

How does the populace of a country in a time of deep economic and ideological crisis continue to accept these lies without complete and utter outrage? It is mind boggling to say the least. John McCain's campaign is based on character and 'country first' yet he has resorted to the type of egregious lying that not only typically defames one's character but completely underscores one's personal desire to win at any cost thus undermining the whole 'country first' mantra.

If the rules of the game are that whoever tells the most lies, wins; what does that say about the American people's judgment when it comes to choosing a leader? Good judgment is also one of the traits that John McCain claims is the mark of a good leader. John McCain exhibited poor judgment in the methods used to select his VP and continues to exercise poor judgment by choosing to lie repeatedly on the campaign trail. Haven’t we had enough lies and deceit over the past 8 years?

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