Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Why Can’t She Speak?

During the Democratic Primaries, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton campaigned for 18 months, every single question was asked, and every rumor was treated as news. They each went on numerous interview shows and participated in 20+ debates. Has everyone forgotten?

Sarah Palin has been in the race for almost 2 weeks now. She is running to be Vice President of the United States. The press, on behalf of the American people,
has the right to ask questions; reserving or requesting special treatment for her undermines everything this woman has achieved.

Sarah Palin ran for Mayor and rose through the ranks until she ran for Governor. She should be disgusted that the McCain campaign is traipsing her out to stump the same convention speech day after day while sequestering her from answering any unscripted questions. McCain is really acting as if he doesn’t have any faith in her abilities. That is a shame. She should demand more respect than that; after all she is the Governor of a State; not a rinky-dink Senator.

Why does she need so much time to study for interviews? Her first quiz will be a lightweight gabfest with Charlie Gibson of ABC News later this week. Her silence and the need for all of these “crib notes” sessions makes the case more pressing; If she is really ready to be Vice President, why does she need so much prep time? What is the McCain camp afraid of? Why don't they trust her to speak for herself? Let her speak for herself! I, for one, want to know what she has to say.

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