Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Anniversary Thrift

My anniversary is coming up next week and I'm looking forward to the celebration. However, I can't think of anything that I want to do since I don't want to spend any money. As I scour the money magazines and financial advice columns for thrifty ideas, everything they suggest in the way of cutting expenses still requires way more spending than we would even allow in good times. We are forgoing anniversary gifts this year anyhow because we are fortunate not to really need anything.

We have been upbeat lately about our prospects for the future but the two of us being laid off in a span of 6 months and now having to celebrate our anniversary completely unemployed requires a heck of a lot of denial. Nevertheless our sense of humor will lessen the calamitous bruise of our reality and we already have a bottle of cheap champagne left over from New Years.

Maybe we'll bring it down to the beach - we'll look out over the bay and look up at the stars and marvel at the beauty of the earth and how we are lucky to be happily married despite all the trials and tribulations. We have each other, we have two beautiful children, and we live out here in beautiful Suffolk County, Long Island, and we don't need more stuff to complete that now, do we?

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