Thursday, May 21, 2009

Stone Cold Dick

I am as sick as a dog which is really too bad because there has been some really meaty news today. I'm not talking about President Obama's speech on the repercussions of closing Guantanamo and what to do with the "terrorists"; I am talking about the suddenly newsworthy Dick Cheney who has taken to the tubes with a sudden voraciousness that defies himself. Unfortunately, he is the same person we've always known, still defending every national security policy of the Bush Administration, frozen like a doll with a pull-cord, repeating the same lines ad nauseum, except now he sounds plum crazy outside of the context of his protectorate administration.

I wish I could go on but I'll just wish you all a happy Memorial Day weekend for we really could use some time off. Anyhow, as we celebrate our military and the individual sacrifice of our servicemen and women, we must also ponder the case if the tables were turned and some of our soldiers were in fact prisoners of war. We might want to uphold the Geneva Convention and think carefully about how we want to treat those Guantanamo prisoners going forward lest the next enemy we fight becomes, in fact, ourselves.

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