Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Tomorrow, I have a meeting with the department of labor (NYDOL). It seems that I will qualify for some unemployment benefits after all. Whoohoo! When you have a big fat zero coming in, anything is better than nothing and of course I am extremely grateful for it. Except...

Well, I was listening to the radio the other day. Actually, I listen to the radio every day in my car. I only listen to public radio stations in the car, nothing else, so it is either classical music or NPR programming, my trusted news source. Ask my kids. Sometimes they are not amused but I do see them tuning in against their will so there is hope that they will actually respond to music and information that challenges their minds. Anyhow, since I am old enough to know practically every song on most popular radio stations, I own the records - yeah vinyl - I do not need radio stations to over-play and kill the music that I love. Also, I find the children want to listen to dreadful pop radio notorious for playing the same 5 songs all day that I wake up in the morning with these songs in my head (umbrella ella ella ella...). Not to mention that I have heard many of these "new" songs before because most are re-dos of old songs I grew up with. The children are always shocked that I know the tune and/or the words. Sadly, I have to tell them that there is very little music that they listen to that is original.

Anyway, since I live in Suffolk County, Connecticut is geographically closer than New York City so I pick up their public radio station as well. During one of their news stories they discussed unemployment benefits in CT and it turns out that the maximum unemployment benefit in CT is $519 versus $405 in NY. In addition, they get $15 per dependent child. Well you know what I was thinking. What the heck, if I knew that, we should have moved to Connecticut. Well? It is something to ponder isn't it? You know I worked out the numbers quickly, that is a whopping $576 per month more than in NY providing you get the maximum benefit and have two children. That is quite a bit of extra moulah. Perhaps this info should be added to the relocation checklist alongside the other quality of life markers such as school district stats, property tax rates and community amenities.
Of course, we ruled out moving to CT for the same reason we ruled out NJ, we are New Yorkers, good, bad and indifferent.

All kidding aside, I am looking forward to my meeting in NY. I am happy to jump through any hoop right about now for a few extra bucks, every little bit counts.

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