Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Amid all of the dismal economic data, the impending bankruptcy of GM and housing prices falling another 20%, the stock market rallied nearly 200 points today; investors were enthusiastic about the Consumer Confidence Index rising 14 points, from 40.8 to 54.9, a whopping 35% increase since last month. I don't know where they found these positive consumers but I want to be one of them! Show me the money!

On a much cheerier note, I am happy to see President Obama select
Judge Sonia Sotomayor, a Latina female and 16 yr veteran of the federal court system, as his first nominee for the Supreme Court. Though, as far as I am concerned, she could just as well have been black, Asian or any other underrepresented minority. Other than that I don't know anything about her. Hopefully, she will not ruin anything for the majority of us. So far this decade, I can't think of any Supreme Court decision that has truly affected my life one way or the other. So, for now, I'll let those who belong to certain groups where a Supreme Court decision will make or break the freedoms of their existence duke it out. Perhaps this is an unfortunate position for me to be in and my ignorance may very well cost me, one day. Please feel free to fill me in.

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