Monday, May 4, 2009

Gingerly Hoping for the Best

This weekend brought warm comfort from dear friends as we commiserated together and reset our outlook. I have never been surrounded by so many professionals simultaneously out of work or underemployed in my whole working existence. We are all hoping for the best. It is hard to fathom the breadth of this economic collapse. It is even harder to establish a comfort zone when all you have to look forward to is a quagmire of dwindling finances.

Before last week's devastating news, I had a plan for our income tax refunds. Our Federal refund was, without question, immediately directed to savings to help bolster our emergency funds. Most of the State refund was actually earmarked for closing out two smaller credit card balances with the remaining used to purchase some much needed supplies for the house but, of course, all of those purchases go back to the hold pile; that money has been re-directed to the survival pile. I try not to count my chickens and in fact my list which was remarkably mundane - things like a shower door, no problem we'll stick with the curtain and a door between the kitchen and un-heated sunroom where thermal curtains will remain, indefinitely - had the caveat "if chickens hatch." They, unfortunately did not.

I feel like I can't even dare to dream lest those "green shoots" be mowed down before they even have a chance to thrive. But, I do not want to be trapped in a downward spiral of negativity either. So, I gingerly hope for the best.

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