Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Affordable Fun: Long Island Ducks

So I just came back from a Long Island Ducks game. The Ducks have some claim to fame in their league and though they lost it was a lot of fun. Tonight's crowd was near capacity at just over 6000 attendees. We were fortunate to be the recipients of complimentary tickets right behind home plate and we were surprised to see that these tickets retailed for a very affordable $10 a piece. Food and drinks are captive-audience pricey so avoid the alcohol - a Bud is $6.50 - to keep spending in line. We spent around $40 all told so it was nice to have those free tickets. In addition, it was complimentary baseball day for the first 2000 fans so we have four Salvation Army sponsored baseballs that need a use.

The Ducks have a very nice field with all of the big game amenities without the big game crowds and associated hassles. Other plusses included the super easy commute, free parking and an easy out even though we stayed until the bitter end. Well, I'm not sure if it is always an easy out since the Ducks were losing 9-2 and people started leaving at inning six and continued to leave regularly thereafter. Perhaps it is a different situation if it is a winning game but then again I am sure we wouldn't mind if there was a bottleneck leaving the parking lot. Nonetheless, it was an exciting finish as the Ducks hit a two run homer in the ninth for a final score of 9-4.

During the game there is a sideshow at every break - when the teams are switching sides, between innings, you name it. Most are silly but they get fans involved mostly in making a fool of themselves to win $25 to $50 gift certificates to local establishments. People really get into it so it is all in good fun. There was one sad incident though, one of the Ducks members was seriously hit in the head by a fastball requiring an immobilization board and stretcher conveyance to the local hospital. We hope that he has a speedy and optimal recovery.

The bottom line is that the kids had a blast and were animated and engaged for the entire 3 1/2 hours. I have been to Yankee games and I found the scale, price and proximity of the Ducks game to be much more to my liking.

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